
Standard Vinyl Posts

Our standard post is a hollow vinyl that can be used by burying in the ground, siding over a wooden post or with a post mount. They are available in the following sizes in both white and khaki:

4’x4′ – 3′, 38 1/4″, 42″, 4′, 5′ 6′, 7’…16′

5’x5′ and 6’x’6 – 9′ lengths

These posts can be routed for our fence section or used with bracket for both our fence and our rail section.

Weight Bearing Pillar

Our weight bearing pillar is 9′ length and available in white only.

It is a 5″ x5″ at top and bottom with a moulded section towards the top.

It comes with a full-length aluminum inserts that provide structural support for a porch roof or overhang and mounting plate.

Vinyl Posts Wraps

We have 4 piece post wraps available, for those wood weight bearing posts that are still in good condition, but you want maintenance free vinyl. They “snap” together around your existing post, and can be finished off with our adjustable post trim at the top and bottom for a nice clean look. These wraps are available in white or khaki.

4″ x 4″ or 6″ x 6″

10′ Height